
Check out some of my projects below.

Super Hydration Bot

A simple Twitter bot that reminds followers to drink a glass of water 8 times a day. Currently set to send reminders evenly between 9:30am and 11:00pm. Deployed using Heroku. Not currently live, but you can fork it on Github.

What Is A Third World Country?

An exploration of k-means clustering and principal component analysis with data from the World Bank. Pretty much all done in Python with some visualizations from PyPlot & D3.js. Check out the post here or check out the code on Github.


A journaling web-app that uses latent semantic analysis to extract negative emotions (anger, sadness) from journal entries, as well as tracking consistent exercise, mindfulness, and sleep. Not currently live, but you can check out the code on Github.

Proportion of Top 100 Songs by Key

A quick visualization of the Billboard Top 100, organized by key along the circle of fifths. You can check it out here or check out the code on Github.

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